Monday, June 22, 2009

Pay It Forward

A few of my fellow bloggers have had this up and I am taking the challenge also. I like how it was worded on one blog "that we can do two things: 1) Find value in homemade again and 2) Send something to people without needed reward."

Here's the deal. The first 5 people to leave a comment here will get a homemade gift from me. The only catch is that you have to pay the gift forward by reposting this on your blog. I will check to make sure you've done so. I don't know what the gift will be, but it will be homemade. I'll get it to you sometime soon. I don't promise you'll love it, but I'm not going to make you something I think you'll hate, either, because that would be like an un-gift and defeat the entire purpose.

Let's have some fun.


Homeplace said...

Wow Trina where did you find this and how do I put it on my blog? you see I am quite a novis

me said...

Yes, and can I make a request? Nate would LOVE a homemade pie!

I would like a quilt... queen size.